The Practical

                                 MA Drama: Current Issues, the Plan of Practical






Collaboration between Live performance and Non-live performance


Stage Composition

– The stage is divided into three spaces.

– There is not structural boundary between Man’s room and Woman’s room.

(However, the boundary is segregated through lights and acting of performers.)

– Behind the flat④ of SR and SL are used as performer’s In and Out passage.


SR / Man’s room

SL / Woman’s room

SCREEN③ / Both Man’s and Woman’s room window as virtual space on the screen.

– The screen③ as window is actively utilized as the outside scene with real stage.

– Performers and audiences can see the outside through presented virtual window.


Summary of performance

– The show is a type of non-verbal performance through Korean duet song.

– There are both man and woman who are lovers. They intensely argue with each other, and finally decide on a breakup. (on the screen as over the window)

– In the each room, they realize that they hastily decide and don’t want a breakup. However, they don’t contact with each other, and they are in pain and just wait.

Ultimately, the man goes to in front of her house, and woman also goes outside in order to meet him. (real stage)

– They accidentally meet in with each other in front of the window and awkwardly make up.

Technical Needs

– Two Par Lights①, which can separately operate each and control dimming.

– Special Light (like Source Four Ellipsoidal)② which can highlight when lovers are on the centre. (If can’t hang the Lights, Standing Lights can be used.)

– Beam projector and white screen③.

– Two flats④ which performers can use as the space of In, Out and waiting.

– Two chairs⑤

– Two cube boxes⑥ which can use as small table

– Sound system which can output from computer (or laptop)